Nourish Program

How good food works.

People & Purpose

Part of the UT School of Public Health, the Nourish program is led by a small, expert team of educators passionate about bringing nutrition to the forefront of health and wellness. Across their state-of-the-art facilities in Houston’s Texas Medical Center (featuring a holistic garden, culinary center, and simulation clinic), their goal is to teach healthcare students and professionals—so that they, in turn, may then teach their patients and the community—the lost art of growing food, cooking food, and calling on food as the first line of defense in preventing and combating disease. The program comprises several tiers of audiences and objectives that made clarifying and communicating the Nourish brand a challenge. We helped them develop a core platform and organizational framework for telling their story, and find a voice for their vision with a fresh new identity, website, and suite of materials.


  • Brand Strategy
  • Verbal Identity
  • Visual Identity
  • Writing
  • Website Design
  • Print System
  • Presentation Materials
  • Naming


  • Kudos NYC
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Bold typography complements an earthy color palette and textured illustrations to maintain a fresh, clean credibility across the brand system.

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A new tagline, How Good Food Works, anchors and neatly organizes the program’s three-part focus, while providing a flexible device for tailoring messaging to various audiences.

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Hello to you, too!

Before we set up a call to get to know each other better, tell us a little about yourself and what you’re looking for. (If that thing is a job, please direct your inquiry here.)

The more of your brand ecosystem we can think through, the more value we can add. Please pick at least three areas where you think your project would benefit from some love.(Required)
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